Tuesday, August 18, 2015

It's Not What It Seems

"It's not what it seems" a phrase from my childhood... Unlike most girls, I didn't grow up with Barbie and Ken, I didn't play with make up or wish for a pony. I think it has been established that I was not your ordinary little girl. However, there was one princess movie I watched over and over and over!! Not only did I have "The Swan Princess" memorized complete with ever musical number (which I am pretty sure I could still quote), I also had my favorite purple swan princess shirt and matching socks.... Maybe I just had purple socks... Either way I was positive they were meant to be worn together. I also had a very memorable birthday surrounded by the theme of "Swan Princess." Although I have to admit it was not the theme of that party that made it memorable. Instead it was the simple fact that I was devastated my daddy would be gone on my birthday only to have him walk through the back gate as my party began. :) My prince had arrived just in time for the ball! 

As prince Derek struggles to find the kidnapped princess Odette, he has only one clue given by her father the king. His dying words ring over and over in Derek's ears, "It's not what it seems..." 

Life is never what it seems. There are so many twists and turns. So many things are unexpected and unpredicted. Mostly it's because we live and deal with people. "People" a simple and yet complicated and messy word. I can't help but think of C.S. Lewis' character Aslan. It is said that he is not a tame lion. You can never predict his actions or his thoughts... Of course the untame lion is meant to represent God. And in who's image is every human created?? No, we are not God... Not even close. But if he is so unpredictable and untame then it only stands to reason that those created in his image are similar. The comforting thing is that he, unlike his creation, he is perfectly good all the time. He is orderly. He is just. He never changes. But he is untame. 

People, his beautiful creation, made in his image, on purpose, with purpose, to glorify him... Boy are we a mess. An unpredictable, crazy, sinful mess. "The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked; who can know it?" We think we have things under control and the doctor gives us the diagnosis. We think we have security, a home, and suddenly a natural disaster hits. We finally financial stability and the car breaks down. We are hurt, stabbed and broken by those closest to us. One minute life is great, the next it's upside down. Or maybe the house of your dreams finally becomes yours! Maybe you finished your degree somehow with no debt! Maybe the love of your life walked into your life by surprise! We are joyful, excited and astounded by the goodness of the Lord.... Life seems to be roller coaster ride of ups and downs. So here we are in a world that is "Not as it seems." 

How do we cope? How do we put this messy, crazy, unpredictable life into a neat box with a bow? How can we understand it? How can we make sense of it or determine how to react to it? I guess the simple answer is, you don't!! As a person who loves things in order and under control it pains me to say that you can't do that with life. Yes, we can make plans. Yes, we can be wise in decisions. We can even predict some things. However, life will never be under control of a human being. PRAISE THE LORD! Goodness, could you even imagine? No, this world is in the hands of the creator. He has already won the battle, he holds the future in His hands. It is because of this that we can laugh at the things to come as proverbs says. 

This is where we should be securely resting in the arms of our Father! Often in the midst of "it is not what it seems" we often panic. Trying to grab on the edge of cliff as if we are falling to the abyss. Flailing our arms as if we are drowning. Why is it that in the midst of a world that is upside down believers can stand fast and secure? HOPE. Hope in the coming of the Lord. Hope that we have a future beyond this world. A Hope that we can rest in the one who is in complete control. 

So when all is "not as it seems".... STAND. Don't worry. Don't try and fix it. Don't try and control it. Simply STAND on the Firm Foundation of Christ!

"On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand...."

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