Saturday, September 20, 2014

Chinese Chunk

Today I am reminiscing...I remember strange things. The little details that most people forget, seem to stick with me. Of course if you asked me where my glasses where or what I did yesterday I wouldn't be able to tell you. It's a strange phenomenon. Anyways, a few unique stories seem to be playing through my mind and so I would like to share them.

I was 4 almost 5 years old and my small little family was traveling down a dirt road (not uncommon for Kansas) in our little tan Maxima. I was smashed in the back seat between my brothers Hunter and Caleb in their car seats. Dad and mom in the front seat were discussing the baby that mom was going to have. I know today almost everyone finds out if they are having a boy or girl and announces it in a cute way on facebook but that wasn't the case here. (besides facebook didn't exist back I feel old.) Mom was saying that if it was little girl her name would be Brooke (adorable) and if it was a little boy his name would be Garrett.
Laughter burst from the back seat! Hunter thought it would be hysterical for our little brother to be named Carrot. I laughed too. When Hunter laughs, I laugh. It's infectious, ok! The next couple of months passed quickly as we awaited the arrival of our new sibling. During that time, my prayer life became really strong! I was constantly going before the Lord. I prayed and prayed and prayed...for a little sister! I loved my brothers but I already had two. So, I prayed for a little sister. Someone I could play dolls with and dress up with share pretty dresses with like Kendra, Kayla, and Kelsey got to do. 

Finally,  the morning arrived. My dad came into my little pink room and shook my shoulder. I woke up and saw my dad with a smile on his face and Caleb riding his john deer tractor down the hallway. (I told you, random memories!) I got up and followed my dad into the master bedroom. There in mom's arms was a little chubby, red-faced bundle. At that moment I fell head of heels! The moment I first met my little brother, Garrett Joseph. 

That morning I wore my favorite floral dress as family and friends came to meet the new member of the Davis household. I bounced from one person to the next following my baby brother has he was held in the arms of grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends. You can bet anytime someone was done holding him he found his way back into my arms. He was MY BABY BROTHER. 

The years passed quickly, too quickly. I did get a little sister a few years later, and we moved out to Grenola, KS. There I was 10 years old and Garrett was a chubby, squinty eyed 5 year old. (which earned him the nickname Chinese Chunk via Landon Lucas) One of the things we loved to play was orphans. We all had our special names and before we started playing we always agree on our names and ages. We were all gathered around an old pine tree out in the yard about to play orphans. "My name is going to Maria. Garrett you are going to be Rachel." You see, even though I had a sister, she was a baby and she couldn't play with us so for years Garrett had been Rachel. Since I didn't want to be the only girl...I know, I know, I am a horrible older sister! But, he played along until that fateful day when he stomped his foot on the ground and replied. "NO. I don't want to be a little girl anymore! I want to be a little boy and I want my name to be Johnny!" I was DEVASTATED!! But, there was nothing I could do. That little Chinese Chunk was growing up. So, from that day on he was no longer Rachel when we played but Johnny. 

He wasn't all grown up though. It was plain to see when one day while mom was taking a shower she heard someone knocking on the door and a little voice calling her name. My mom always said the same thing when we disrupted her shower time. "Garrett, the house better be on fire or you better be bleeding. Otherwise don't bother me." A painful little voice answered her, "But I am bleeding!" Well that got mom's attention. She quickly jumped out of the shower to attend to her little boy and as the older sister I was summoned in to help. Apparently, he had sliced his finger open with a knife cutting an "apple." The wound was pretty good so mom wanted to know what kind of knife he used to cut his finger. I was sent into the kitchen to find the weapon. However, when I entered the kitchen there was no apple anywhere to be seen. Instead there was a huge piece of chocolate that mom had made for valentines day. Well, as a brilliant older sister I knew exactly what happened. So, I admit I went to mom with a smug face, and said, "I didn't see any apple." That is when he confessed to trying to cut the chocolate. HAHAHA! Silly boy. He ended up getting a cast on his finger. It wouldn't be his last cast either. Garrett has broken bones for all of us. 

First, he bit all the way through his tongue while sliding on the kitchen floor. (that might have been my fault...) Then, he broke his arm jumping out of the jeep. (freak accident) He broke his arm again trying to be cool swinging from this swing we made but jumping from a higher spot. (Trying to be cool is not always smart.) One year he broke his arm in basketball and it made him sit out the rest of the season. Soon as he got out of his cast it was time for baseball and the first game he slid into home and broke his collar bone...there went baseball season. I'm just glad it's him and not me. He is a whole lot tougher than I am. He may be rash, running into things to quickly and getting hurt or in trouble but somehow he always finds a way out. He has always been a brown noser. He could be in deep trouble and then give mom the puppy dog look with his chubby little face and it was hopeless. Whenever we need to do fundraisers for sports we always relied on Garrett. He could sell ice to an eskimo. He just has a way about him. Instead of being mad at him you end up laughing. And boy does he make me laugh. I have had way to many awkward and strange conversations with that boy!

Years passed by and I had graduated high school and moved to TN. I remember coming home for a visit and when I met my family at the airport something strange had happened. Garrett was suddenly taller than me! During that vacation I realized my little Chinese Chunk was not only not chubby anymore, he wasn't little either! We were messing around at grandma's and I challenged him. There was a day when I could take all three of my brothers with one had tied behind my back! But that afternoon, in one quick motion he used one arm to swing we up over his shoulder and slam me down on the couch. All I could do was sit there stunned. Well, I guess it is brother is all grown up and doesn't need me anymore. 

I know it's true but it is hard for me to remember sometimes. Garrett, I will always remember the first day I met you. I will remember taking care of you, babysitting you, carrying you around and pushing you in a stroller. I will remember playing orphans with you and the boys and I will remember caring for your many wounds. You will always be my little brother. But your all grown up now and I am so proud of the man you have become. Thank you for making me smile and singing me silly songs. Thank you for bringing me coffee in the mornings and talking my ear off and always being willing to take selfies with me. Thank you for being my little brother.

I am so thankful that God answered my prayer with a no and that he gave me you! I love you bunches broski!! 

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