Sunday, December 22, 2013

Home: A Training Ground

I've been silent for some time now. I guess it was moving home. The actually trip and then all the re-adjusting. Trying to stuff all my boxes into my tiny closet, getting used to all 4 seasons and the clothes that come with them, and reassuring myself that I can once again turn right three times and be back where I started, no longer having to fear getting lost on winding roads. Of all things I adore about Kansas I have to say my favorite –other than my family of course –is the dirt. Ya, I know I am crazy. I possible even sound like an old lady. (I have often said I am too old fashioned for my age.) No matter what it is, I simply love not finding sand anywhere and everywhere no matter how many times I clean it up. Dirt is just simpler. But that is beside the point. 
To be honest the reason I haven't been writing is nothing extraordinary has been happening to me. Well, that is extraordinary in my terms. However, as I have been pondering on this predicament on this snowy sunday afternoon, I realized that God has been doing some extraordinary things in my life. My parents have always said that "home is the training ground." When I was younger I would sigh at their comment and shrug it off. I mean seriously, what does that even mean to a 15 year-old. When I moved out I looked back in awe at the realization that I had gone through so many things at home to prepare me for where I was right then. Yep, home is a training ground. But, what stinks is that God, for some sovereign reason, has decided I need to go back to training for a while!!! 
Sadly, it took a couple months for me to realize where I was at. But, there is no doubt I am back at boot camp. You just never realize how irritating and annoying people can be until you live with them for an extended amount of time. I mean how can sibling not understand that you don't just barge into a room whenever you want? Why is it that every-time my brother takes a shower my shampoo ends up on the bathtub floor? Why does my sister HAVE to play the flute NOW? Why can't my sister dress cute instead of looking like a rag muffin? I didn't do that when I was 12! (Ya, I dressed worse....) Why don't my siblings pick up there things? Why did they make that kind of coffee this morning? Someone needs to do the dishes. Your starting to get the point. 
In my mindset I am usually right. Actually, I usually am right. There is nothing wrong with what I desire. There is no "sin" attached with my requests. But......yep, there is a but. You knew it was coming. The but, is my responses, my attitude, the way I handle each situation. 
God always has a sense of humor. It just so happens that a few weeks ago I was asked by our youth pastor to teach two classes. One was on doing personal devotions, the other on using our words to please God. So, as I was pondering in the early morning hours, how to teach these lessons I was very convicted. How is it that I get to teach on two things that I struggle with so much! These months at home have been up and down with my devotions. I have not spent enough time or effort seeking my God. For this reason, my mind has instead been dwelling on all the things my siblings are failing to do. As the scripture says, "out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." It doesn't take long for words to start spewing out of my mouth. 
I guess I just needed to realize that amongst the seemingly boring few months I have had a home, a war has been raging on. Unfortunately, I have been losing. My head wasn't even in the game!! As my dad would say, I was the kid in the outfield playing in the dirt. But not any more. By the grace of God, I choose to put on my armor. I will give thanks for the training I am receiving and learn it to the best of my ability. Who knows what He will throw at my next!! I mean if this rigorous training is any indication, it will be a huge ministry with whiny people who aren't clean and can't keep my shampoo bottle on the bathtub shelf. Whatever it is, I'll be ready. 

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