Friday, March 22, 2013

"Morning Joe, Pass the Cup."

     I believe coffee keeps ones sanity. It's like a drug really. A comfort food, an addiction. Whatever it is to mankind, it is definitely delicious, especially in the morning hours. I must say its nice to wake up to the smell of brewing coffee. It just seems to make the morning brighter.
     The other morning I woke up to the smell of fresh rain. Slowly throwing off my many fluffy comforters, I rubbed my eyes and firmly planted my feet on the ground. I thought wouldn't it be nice to have a nice shower, and slip into my favorite jeans. After pulling back my hair and throwing on some makeup, I would pushed my glasses upon my nose. Yes, I always over think every step of my morning like that as I lay in bed. Don't judge!
     But before all of that first things first, coffee! So I stumbled into the kitchen to make some coffee. I hadn't made coffee in a while. Simply because I hadn't been home. I grabbed the coffee from the cabinet and opened the up the coffee maker, HEAVENS TO BETSY!!!! I had told myself to clean that out before I left, but apparently I hadn't! Now what greeted me was a coffee strainer full of molded coffee. Since I had a strainer I didn't bother to buy coffee filters. So, now what.......

"To me, the smell of fresh-made coffee is one of the greatest inventions." -Hugh Jackman 

     At this point, what I SHOULD have done was dump out the strainer with a sigh, put it in the sink to bleach later and gone to take a shower. I should have gotten ready for work and made coffee in the office. (Which by the way I have the capability of doing). But, then again that was what I SHOULD have done. Little known fact about me, I'm stubborn. I get an idea in my head and I become determined.
     People praise creativity. I mean look at Pintrest, a huge place for people to glean ingenuity and creativity off each other. People look up to crafters and say they have talent, they are so artsy. The truth of the matter is most of it is born in the time of desperation. Yep, Ingenuity is born by desperation!  So, in my determined desperate mind I began to scoure the house. I opened every draw and cabinate in the place! (Which really isn't a whole lot in my tiny house.) I knew I had nothing but it didn't stop me. Ya, by now I could have been showered and drinking the coffee I made in the office but who cares. I want to have coffee here and now!! So, I searched, and searched, and searched.
    Paper Towel? No, holds all the water and last time I tried it tasted funny. (Yes, I have tried it.....its another long story. Just take my word on it.) Plastic Bag? No, it would hold all the water. Maybe if I poke holes in it......No, no that wouldn't work. Oh, lightbulb!! I think I have a strainer in here somewhere. Maybe all I have to do is heat up the water, put the coffee in the strainer over my cup, pour water and Wala!! First matter, find the strainer. I threw open the one draw in the Kitchen, (ok I exaggerated a little) plow through it and, YES a strainer! Test it over the sink grinds everywhere. Rats!
     I'm getting more and more desperate as the time ticks away. If I don't hurry I'll have to skip the shower all together. And then, it hit me!! Of course, it was genius! Fabric!!!! I have plenty of scraps somewhere in the house. So I dug through my scraps and found the perfect piece. I stuffed it in the coffee maker, added coffee, water and turned the baby on. Within minutes I had a freshly brewed cup of coffee, just like the cowboys would have done.


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