Sunday, November 8, 2015

This is just not my day

You ever have one of those days you just wish you could stop, roll back the clock and start all over again? I've had many, and today was one of them. I woke up later than usual. I my must have been tired. I still had plenty of time tho. I tried to fix my hair. I just got it cut and it's adorable but I want to make it look the way the hairdresser styled it (an impossible task I'm positive! It never works so I don't know why I always try) So at least 30 minutes were allotted to try and curl my hair which only mad my hair a crimped, and hairspray full mess. With two strands that just wouldn't curl no matter what I did! Forget this. I still have time to take a shower and fix this. Yes, showers make everything better. Only to get a phone call that mom forgot her purse and I need to drop it off on my way. Snap. I'm already late...... Just hurry. Ok. I feel much better until I look at the clock and I should be leaving in like 4 minutes. I try on my first outfit and I feel hideous. Go to the old classic...I wore that last week. What will people think see me wear the same thing over and over? That's dirty, that's doesn't match. I have no idea what to do. My faces breaking out. I haven't even begin to put makeup on, I don't know what to wear, it's winter and my skin feels so dry. Grrrr.....I literally stand there staring at the pile of clothes on my bed. Ok, ok calm down and just do what needs done. Find an outfit and head to church. You're going to be late. Grab mom's purse and head out the door. Take a deep breathe. Things will be better...maybe. Good grief this is just not my day.

The moment those words came out of my mouth I knew it was wrong. Of course it wasn't my day! It wasn't suppose to be my day. And I'm not just saying that cause it's Sunday. No, everyday is the day the Lord has made. It is his. It is his to do with as he pleases. It doesn't matter what I look like, or how I feel. This day isn't about me, it's about Him.  

As I stood in my room, trying desperately to decided what to wear, I was reminded of a parable in Matthew. The King's son was getting married! The King in his delight invited all the nobles to attend! However, they each had an excuse for why they couldn't come. Because the nobles refused the king sent his servants out into the streets and invited all they could find. He even provided wedding clothes for each of them! The day of the wedding arrived! As the king walked around he noticed one of the guests didn't have wedding clothes on. He went to him and said, "Friend, how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ But the man was speechless." 

When I was younger there were Sunday mornings I would dress really nice for church, pick out the perfect shoes, put my makeup on and curl my hair. I would then go to my parents room where there was full length mirror and examine myself, turn to my dad and ask him how I looked. His reply was always similar. "Well you look nice but as I always told you it doesn't matter how you look on he outside if your ugly on the inside." My dad lovingly reminded me that my character mattered more than my appearance. It's true! It doesn't matter how I walk into church or anywhere, God knows and sees me. But am I walking before him with a pure heart? Am I wearing the wedding clothes he has provided through his son? Am I exhibiting the fruit of the spirit? 

For today is not my day. This is the day the Lord has made so I will rejoice and be glad in it!

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