Friday, March 13, 2015

Wise Old Sayings

There are so many old wise sayings and proverbs that have been passed down from generation to generation. Who really knows how they originated. They have guided us, made us laugh and caused us to think. However, if you really begin to ponder the phrases, they are so strange! Some of them are just plain ridiculous. Here are a few of my favorite proverbs with my synopsis:

"Actions speak louder than words."
Obviously whoever came up with this phrase had never played charades! I mean think about this phrase for a second and think about how difficult it really is to communicate to someone without words!!! Sure, I know the point of the phrase…however, I don't think actions speak louder than words…that's simply bad communication. No, ACTIONS prove WORDS. It's like faith and works really. You can't have one without the other. They are two sides of one coin. Sure, make sure your actions match your words but don't throw out words all together!! Unless your really playing charades then you kinda have to, its the rules. 

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
Seriously?!?! Have you ever met someone, ANYONE, who was able to keep doctors away with an apple? What, is it like wearing garlic around your neck protect you from vampires? Let's all wear apples around our neck to ward off doctors! I just don't get this phraseI mean sure apples are good for you but most kids I know don't have a problem eating apples. I mean if they wanted to promote healthy eating why not "A broccoli a day keeps the doctor away?" or "A Carrot a day keeps the doctor away?" And why do you want to keep doctors away? I mean if you really think about that phrase, its strange. Doctors usually don't come to you anyways. Usually you have to go to them and wait for hours upon hours to get them to see you…..Must be all those apples everyone is eating….If people could just stop eating so many apples so doctors wouldn't be so late to their appointments…that would be great.

"Better a live coward than a dead hero."
But is it really??? You know I could go all biblical here and talk about as believers, after we die is so much better than life here on earth so obviously this phrase is completely wrong. Which is completely true. However, there is more proof.

Chose to be a live coward instead of a dead hero. Now he pretty much can't die, is evil beyond belief, lost his son, lost his wife…twice…and is destined to never have a happy ending. So is it better to be live coward? No, no it is not!

"Imitation is the purest form of flattery."
I hate this proverb. Every time my little sister was being annoying, stealing my clothes, trying to play with me and my friends, deciding my hobbies were her hobbies, what did my mom say??? Yep, "Imitation is the purest form of flattery." It doesn't feel like it!! It feels like my little sister is stealing my life!! Its not imitation, its copy-cating. Maybe this phrase holds true in some situations but I don't believe it should be used in a sibling scenario…. Ok, so maybe its true and I just dislike this phrase….

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
I honestly just never understood this phrase…… I just don't understand what is so important about having a bird in your hand? And how did the bird get into your hand? And what is so valuable about a bird in your hand? And what is wrong with the birds in the bush? Aren't birds suppose to be in bushes and trees or telephone poles? Weren't we taught not to touch birds? I was always told to leave them alone? Really this phrase makes no sense to me. Although it did make a good Geico commercial.

"A watched pot never boils."
I have watched the pot and it boiled……..End of Story. 

"All is fair in love and war."
Ecclesiastes says there is a time for every season under heaven There is a time for war and a time for peace or love. Basically this phrase just described every season in life. Either we are in a season of war or in a season of love. Therefore, ALL SHOULD BE FAIR! However, people are always quick to remind us that "LIFE ISN"T FAIR." Can you say, "contradiction?"

"Great minds think alike."
Let us just follow logic here. If great minds think alike, then they come up with the same great ideas, and thoughts correct? Therefore, all the great minds in the world will be thinking similar answers. So, if all the great minds are thinking similar answers those who are not thinking similar answers are not great minds. And if all the un-great minds are thinking the not-right answer then they are more than likely thinking the same not-right answer. Therefore, all the not-great minds are thinking alike. And if all the not-great minds are thinking alike and the great minds are all thinking alike..Who is to tell who is the great mind and who is the not-great mind? Something is not right with this proverb.

"There is no place like home."
Now this is a phrase I understand and completely believe is true!! There is no place like home! I think everyone can agree on that. However, take in context. It was Dorthy who said it speaking specifically about Kansas so really the phrase is, "There is no place like Kansas." ;)

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