Thursday, December 11, 2014

Save it for a Rainy Day

It should come as no surprise that rainy days are my favorite. There is nothing like a cloudy, dreary day in the great state of Kansas. I feel like the earth itself smiles and heaves a sigh of relief as the trees get rinsed of their layers of dust. The dry, cracked ground soaks in as much rain as it can. It may not rain every day in Kansas, or every month for that matter, but when it rains it pours and its as if the Kansas earth beneath our feet is overjoyed when it does. For some odd reason the last couple days have been absolutely wonderfully dreary. The sky has been overcast, its been foggy and drizzly. Maybe it sounds miserable to you but these rare rainy days are what Kansas farmers wait months for. These rainy days have caused me to reflect on my favorite rainy day activities. There are just somethings that are better saved for rainy days…

1. Pull out that TEA CUP!
Ya, I always love a good strong cup of coffee, but some days its time to pull that teacup off the shelf and enjoy a good afternoon tea. There just simply isn't anything like holding a dainty teacup in your hands. As a girl who grew up rough housing with three brothers, I assure you I enjoy a good cup of coffee underneath the stars on a mountain top somewhere. However, as dad's little princess who watched mom host tea parties growing up, I also enjoy a good antique teacup full of tea. So pull out that Cinnamon, Chamomile, Raspberry, Green, or Earl Grey and get your C.S. Lewis on! Go, enjoy a cup of tea and good old book!
"You can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." -C. S. Lewis
2. You know what has to come next…. BOOKS!
I mean seriously, C.S. Lewis said it himself, tea and books just go together. The thing about books is its quiet company. You don't have to talk or move, and yet you can carry on a grand adventure from the comfort of your favorite chair. You meet people, they become a part of your life and suddenly, in the midst of your own living room, with the rain beating on the window sill, you are transported to a whole new world. It's simply magical. Just like an old wardrobe…. ;)

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” ― Charles William Eliot

3. Sleeping in :)
Let's face it, there is nothing like cuddling under all the covers and listening to the rain hit the rooftop in a melodious sound. I think raindrops is one of the most magical music there is. And obviously I am not the only one who thinks so…
"Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby." -Langston Hughes
Why else would they make an entire move based not the line "Singing in the Rain." or why are the words "raindrops on roses" some of the most quoted words from the Sound of Music? The point is, rainy days are meant to sit quietly and enjoy! How can you possibly enjoy it if you jump out of bed in a hurry and rush off to wherever you think you need to be. Forget it!! Rainy days are suppose to be days we sleep in. 

4. Worm Hunting! 
HAHAHA Ya, I know, this one doesn't seem to make any sense. But I promise you, it is one of the funnest things you will ever do!! I love the warm spring rains that hit Kansas. And it is during those times that finding earthworms is the easiest. Why on earth would you have a desire to find worms?! Well, there are two good reasons. The first is fish bait, the second is mom claims they help keep her gardens beautiful. So, when we're younger, my brothers and I would walk up and down the cup-de-sac looking for worms that had made their way to the curb. Sometimes rainy days make us feel like curling up in a comfy chair and do nothing, but other times it gets us all excited…especially if Kansas had been in a drought… and worm hunting is the perfect rainy day activity! 

So next time you find yourself in the midst of a wonderful dreary day and don't know what to do, TA-DA!!    

"The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain." -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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