Thursday, August 14, 2014

Viewing life like Anne


     Recently I have gotten back into Pinterest. You know most people use this handy app for finding new recipes, saving DIY projects or wedding ideas. I however, just look up quotes and awesome photos and let my imagination fly. It's a great inspiration board for writers, let me tell you. So I don't use it correctly, but while I was in there I got enraptured into Anne of Green Gables once again. I read quotes from Anne and I am like, "how did you get into my mind?!" She is so elegant, deep and profound with her words. It's like she is constantly living in a novel. I think that is how we should live life. It makes it a whole lot more interesting. To walk through everyday as if you were the main character in a novel. You never know what is going to happen, it keeps it adventurous and exciting, always waiting to turn the next page of life. There might be ackward moments, laughter and tears but you know in the end it's gong to be a happy ending so you keep going and keep anticipating the next moment, the next chapter. When you get so wrapped up in living like this you just might find yourself narrating your life.....I have no idea what that's like (she says sarcastically). Did I have a point with this?

     ...Oh YES! My point was that when you view life with this perspective, it causes life to be more enjoyable. When things happen to disrupt our day, instead of stressing and freaking out about it, you can laugh! As the old saying goes, "there is no point in crying over spilled milk." Not only that but your more aware of adventure. So many times we walk right past opportunities and adventures because we are busy doing whatever we think we have to do for that day. If we would just "stop and smell the roses." As Isaac and I told the counselors again and again during the summer, "take advantage of every teachable moment," 

“I went looking for my dreams outside of myself and discovered, it's not what the world holds for you, it's what you bring to it.” ― Lucy Maud Montgomery

      Since I have been home for the past two weeks, I have been thinking back to about 5 or 6 years ago before I graduated. I was so ready to leave! One day my dad sat me down and said "your about to leave and who knows when you will be back. How will your siblings remember you? What will they say when asked about their sister?" Well that hit me over the head!! I am so thankful my dad said that. Because, the next year or two I had some pretty fantastic times with my siblings and cousins. I had a car, could drive, and I had time! That is a rare opportunity to do some awesome stuff that you siblings will never forget. Like the times Kerri and I would randomly be like, "let's go to Grenola for the day!" And we did. It was a blast, and I will always remember it. Then there were the times I hoped in the car with my two sister drove all over town to pick up cousin after cousin and then went to the park. Or deciding to take Anna, Kaytie, Kollin and Kole to the discount theater at 8:30pm, get tons of candy, popcorn, and pop and have the best night ever! Maybe it's just hoping in a car with your sister, driving down a dirt road and find a kitten to bring home. We washed her, put a bow on her and stuck her in a box to give to Kaytie. I am pretty sure Kaytie thought that was the greatest gift ever (besides the iPhone she just got) my dad not so much.... The point is, that time in my life will never be again and I am glad I took advantage of it while I had the opportunity. Then again, this time in my life will never be again and I hope I take advantage of the moments in my life today. 

“Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive--it's such an interesting world. It wouldn't be half so interesting if we know all about everything, would it? There'd be no scope for imagination then, would there?” ― L.M. MontgomeryAnne of Green Gables

     It's a challenge to take the time to hang out with my sisters, take advantage of the moments Hunter is home, or ride with Garrett in his truck and go to the grocery store with him. (Which is an adventure in its self. It's like going to the store with great aunt Gloria! If your in my family you will understand that reference, if not let me enlighten you. Aunt Gloria would love to go into the store with my dad and act retarded to embarrass him. She would also go to look at cars and take them for test drives, just to drive cars, not to actually buy one.) Last night I went to the grocery store with Garrett so he could buy marshmallow cream and cereal....a hearty meal. As we were walking out of the store he drops his cereal bag which bursts open and spills all over the floor! Garrett of course laughs and as we are leaving, using his various voices, narrates what it would be like if an old lady slipped and fell because of the cereal. I died laughing! Once outside he says, "You have to make a joke out it. Otherwise you just feel stupid." Perspective, it's all in perspective.

     The moral of this random post that has gone on and on about all kinds of randomness: MAKE LIFE FUN! Enjoy every moment! Rejoice, because this is the day the Lord has made. He has blessed us beyond measure. Are we going to take advantage of the moments? Can we look back and say, "I am so glad I did that. That I took advantage of that moment. That was fun!" It doesn't matter if its a picnic at the park with all the cousins, strumming a banjo and making up songs with your brother, or getting your car stuck in an orange grove (that is a whole different story). Stop the car and run across those hay bales on the side of the road. There will never be another day like today!

“What a splendid day! Isn't it good just to be alive on a day like this? I pity the people who aren't born yet for missing it. They may have good days, of course, but they can never have this one.” ― Montgomery, L. M.

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