Tuesday, April 30, 2013

College Days

      You never really know how short life really is until one suddenly disappears from your life. It can be shocking, terrifying, saddening. Then we put it into perspective and see it as glorious, but it still makes us cry. Like the new year, it causes us to determine to do better, do make a resolution of sorts. How can one word, one part of life, have such earthly fear, and yet such a glorious expectancy tied to it. It is one of the great mysteries of life. I say mystery of life, because once you are the one to go,  it all becomes clear. It is those left behind that are caused to ponder.
      Because I am now in that pondering mood, I must relate some old memories of my college days. In memory of a man who no longer has to ponder the mystery of life and death, because he has passed to the other side.
God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. -C. S. Lewis 
      It was a breezy afternoon, but thankfully it was warming up. On my way back to the dorms from across the street, I walked lazily up the sidewalk. All of the sudden I was surrounded by two young men, acting like they were on a secret mission. (something that was not abnormal for them) Troy and Steve came up right next to me holding a package and whispering. "Shhh.... Shhhh..." said Steve as he pushed the package into my hands. "Don't tell anyone Jackie-chan!" Troy said as the walked off.  A little confused, I took it and went to my room. I walked up the 4 flights of stairs!!! (YES! I am dead serious!) unlocked my room, and walked inside. I set the package down on my desk as I disposed of my backpack and whatever else I was lugging around. I was kinda excited. I love packages! I ripped into it and found lots of Easter grass. Below the Easter grass was a brand new floaty. I started to laugh. Ya, the boys had talked and talked about having a floaty tuesday and unfortunately I opened my big mouth and had said, "If you get me a floaty, I'll wear it." That was apparently a big mistake, because here in my hand was a monkey floaty!
     It was Tuesday morning. I had class at 8:30. The plans were made, everything was set for "FLOATY TUESDAY." I got dressed into my school clothes, grabbed my books and the floaty and started my decent down the stairs. I hopped in my car and made it to the other side of campus. I got out of the car but I was early. I was afraid my biggest fear was coming true, that I would walk into class wearing a floaty and the boys wouldn't show up with theirs! So, there I would be the only one in the class with a huge floaty around my waist. EMBARRASSING!! So I nervously walked up the stairs to my classes, uncertainly clutching my floaty. I walked in and I was early. No one was there. Well, I guess I'll go wait  in the car, and if I see them wearing their floaties then I will too! So that's what I did, except there was one problem. I have this strange phobia of being late, especially for classes. So, I waited until I could no longer wait anymore. I went back to the class room, without my floaty.  I kept a look out though I waited and waited. Finally, right before class I saw them coming. There was Troy strutting with his rubber ducky floaty in place. Stephen was wearing a turtle and when they saw me, well, I got an earful. But, there they were with floaties so I decided to be brave too. I grabbed my monkey and put it around my waist. And we entered the class, the three amigos and their floaties on what would be commonly known as "Floaty Tuesday."
      I didn't know him long but, that was one occurrence out of many that Stephen made me laugh. My college experience wasn't long, wasn't even the best part of my college days, really it was nothing like expected. But those times when Troy and Steve would look at each other and then me and burst out in a pitiful whale of "BUT, MAAAAAAAA.........", well, those were just good old college days. They had a knack for quoting commercials, and I somehow received the brunt of them. Steve, he was also talented at randomly rapping a song. I remember in line at the cafeteria one day, he rapped me a song that rhymed with "Jacquelyn." Although I think he changed it to "Jackie."
     I'll never forget the last time I ever saw Steve. I was leaving school to go back home. At that time I didn't know I wasn't going to be back. Right outside the dorm, I sad goodbye with a good old fashioned battle of "Rock, Paper, Scissors." If I remember right, I think I won. It's crazy to think now that I will never see him again. I will never hear, "But, Maaaaaaa", I will never  again win or lose in a rock, paper, scissor battle with him. There will never be another floaty tuesday with Steve.
     It's hard to believe something is so real, when your so far away. Like I said before, the mystery of death is left for those who are alive to ponder; and so I ponder. I ponder why Steve? I ask, Why now? I wonder, what really happened? But then, I see you dancing on the streets of gold. I see you praising your Lord face to face. Even though I can't fully comprehend it, still being here on earth, I know your exactly where you want to be.

In Memory of Stephen Reynolds 
 "For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."
 -1 Corinthians 13:12

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